To Mother India,

I always keep on grumbling about the negative things like traffic, rape cases, corruption, racism, inequality, and so on that prevails in India. But let me tell you, today I am here for an entirely different purpose.

Let me be super frank! I m here to applaud you and bow down my head in front of you for all the lessons you have taught me. There’s one best thing that I completely adore about you i.e. ‘Your conversion from zero to hero’!! You made me realize that ‘The struggle was REAL’!!

On this Independence Day, I would like to jot down all the things I’ve learned from you –
You taught me ‘Tolerance’
You taught me ‘There’s unity in diversity’
You taught me about ‘Secularism’
You taught me to ‘Have confidence in my innate abilities’
You taught me ‘To raise a voice’
You taught me ‘To stand up for my rights’
Most importantly, you taught me ‘To never lose hope’
You taught me everything from wilting, falling, rooting to rising and blooming.
I am grateful for all the life lessons

A proud Indian !!

Beauty in Diversity: Agrima Kaji's illustrations of women depict ...


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