Have you ever been Stalked??

If yes, then you should know that it is one of the dreaded crimes!!

Stalking is not only physical, it is electronic too and you can be stalked easily via emails, phone calls other digital networks.

Stalking is not always on a personal level, it can be Professional too!!

One thing that I have learned about stalking is that it is not always out of the physical attraction, but can be due to your profession as well. Instead of making robust policies about stalking, Some organizations will do the opposite. BEWARE!

Repeated phone calls, e-mails, using the internet to follow you, and too much-unwanted contact, are the signs of Stalking, I've experienced.

Whenever you join any organization, make sure that they have a 'Workplace Stalking Policy' to safeguard your interests.

Have you ever face anything like Stalking?? If yes, please do share and give out your suggestions on the same.

P.S- Stalkers will try to break your wings, but they forget that you have claws too!!

How to recognise stalking — and what to do if it happens to you ...


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