
Showing posts from June, 2020

#1 Book Review By A Bibliophile

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck - MARK MANSON  Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are! I thought I was living a good life and then I came across this book that deals with a counterintuitive approach to living a ‘not-so-ordinary’ life.  Self-help books don’t fancy me, but this one is an exception. Not a fan, but I’ve got a minor liking for this book.  What I Really Liked About This Book? 1.The first chapter: ‘Don’t Try’ and the mention of ‘Charles Bukowski’. 2. The “conversational” tone of the book which makes you feel there is a person on the other side talking with you.  3. The ‘easy to read’ subject matter of the book  Lessons Learned  1. Denying negative emotions leads to more suffering and emotional dysfunction.  2. Staying positive all the time means denying the existence of our life problems. It means we are escaping from solving the problems that ultimately generate happiness.  3. Staying positive, money, pleasure, always being right, material suc

When she finds a home away from home!

Day and Night she couldn't sleep Thoughts in her mind were extremely deep! Dark Secrets kept her awake Deep-seated inside her was a heart break! Never did she understood Why was she ashamed of her childhood? Was it something abnormal or She wanted to keep it formal? May be it were the scars That kept her in the bars! They said time healed trauma After all these years, why was her childhood still in inverted commas? Is it a heart full of baggage? That has done all the damage? Or was it the utopia That turned into genophobia? Maybe it was the biasedness Which made her numb to happiness! Or May be the scars were deep from the memories That made her create all the boundaries! In between all the chaos and hurdles She wonders, Whether it was good running in circles? May be she could get rid of the syndrome When she finds a home away from home!!